What Types of Tools Are Used in CNC?

The concept of computer numerical control (CNC) incorporates a wide range of machines that perform various functions. These CNC machines are designed with precisely crafted tools to aid in the production process. Here is a basic overview of some common tools that are involved in CNC machining :

CNC Cutting Tools

The majority of CNC machines utilize some types of cutting tools. These tools perform precise cuts on metal, wood, steel, aluminum, and a variety of other materials. Multi-axis cutting tools can move in many directions, enabling the most precise cuts possible on the materials at-hand. Plasma cutting tools and water jet cutting tools offer unique ways to cut materials that are different from the traditional sharp-ended cutter. These tools use plasma and water to cut through a desired material, which can be extremely effective in certain cases.

CNC Drilling Tools

Drill bits and other drilling tools allow CNC machines to drill through any type of material that a user wants to manipulate. Drilling tools can be very high-powered, which allows a machine to drill through most materials of any size and thickness. For instance, if you’re looking to drill 4 holes in a slab of metal, this can be done quite easily with CNC drilling tools.

CNC Router Bits

CNC router bits are the cutting implement that are found at the end of a spindle on a CNC router. CNC router bits have the capability to cut materials like aluminum, brass, copper, and a variety of non-ferrous metals. They can also cut fiberglass, plastic, PVC, tiles, and wood.


Some CNC machining processes use electrical discharges to manipulate materials. The desired shape of a material can be obtained by using electrical discharges – or sparks. Wires within a CNC electrical discharge machine are designed to produce these sparks. The unnecessary material can be removed from a work piece using a series of rapid current discharges that occur between two electrodes. These electrodes are separated by a dielectric liquid, and they endure an electric voltage to obtain the desired effect on the material at-hand.

The Vast Array of CNC Tools

Thanks to technological advancements, there are so many different kinds of both CNC machines and, in turn, CNC tools. These tools are made with extreme precision to work at certain angles – and with specific overall intentions in terms of manipulating a piece of material. With a CNC machine that is equipped with all the right tools, nearly any kind of production can be performed with the utmost precision because of the computer programming that is the driving force behind how these tools function.

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